We can only ship orders from April 26th onwards. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Air plants are unique plants that do not need soil to grow, absorbing water and nutrients from the air.
We ship quickly to Portugal and EU countries
Soon we will also have Cactus and Succulents.

Tillandsia Tectorum - Air Plant


Tillandsia Tectorum is a charming air plant with soft leaves covered in a silvery hue. The silvery-white “fuzz,” known as trichomes, protects the plant from dehydration and reflects sunlight.

Prefers dry, warm environments with low humidity. This special species can go long periods without water. When watered, it needs to dry completely before the next spraying. Ideally, wait until it is completely dry before spraying again with regular water or, preferably, our Air Plant Care Spray. Keep it in a well-ventilated place to ensure it dries out well between waterings.

Size: 6 x 6 cm
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