We can only ship orders from April 26th onwards. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Air plants are unique plants that do not need soil to grow, absorbing water and nutrients from the air.
We ship quickly to Portugal and EU countries
Soon we will also have Cactus and Succulents.

Tillandsia Kammii - Air Plant


The air plant Tillandsia Kammii is a rare species, originally found only in Honduras. It was first discovered in 1977 in the regions of Olancho, Lempira and Sopan. This plant has thin, elongated leaves with a silvery-green hue. During its flowering, Kammii can produce a beautiful blue-purple flower. This plant prefers to be misted with tap water weekly, or ideally with our Air Plant Care Spray.

Size: 8 x 8 cm
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