We can only ship orders from April 26th onwards. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Air plants are unique plants that do not need soil to grow, absorbing water and nutrients from the air.
We ship quickly to Portugal and EU countries
Soon we will also have Cactus and Succulents.

Tillandsia Ionantha Red - Air Plant



Tillandsia Ionantha Red is a very exclusive product. The Ionantha variety, in general, is one of the most common species of the Tillandsia epiphyte family. Due to its small and compact size, it is easy to use in flower arrangements and bouquets. Additionally, Ionantha Red is highly decorative and beautiful to match and use in decorations. This plant also requires very little care compared to other Tillandsia species, making it an excellent low-maintenance option.

This species is native to Central and South America, and is found primarily in desert climates.

M: 6 x 6 cm
L: 8 x 6 cm
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