We can only ship orders from April 26th onwards. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Air plants are unique plants that do not need soil to grow, absorbing water and nutrients from the air.
We ship quickly to Portugal and EU countries
Soon we will also have Cactus and Succulents.

Tillandsia Circinata - Air Plant


Tillandsia Circinata is an air plant with some resemblance to Tillandsia Caput Medusae. It has firm, curly green leaves with a light grayish fuzz, known as trichomes, which help the plant absorb nutrients from the air. However, Tillandsia Circinata has fewer trichomes compared to Caput Medusae.

This hardy species prefers bright locations, but without direct exposure to sunlight, as the leaves can burn. Additionally, it should be lightly misted with plain water or ideally with our Air Plant Care Spray.

We offer Tillandsia Circinata measuring approximately 12 cm, but please be aware that each plant is unique and may differ slightly from the image.
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