We can only ship orders from April 26th onwards. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Air plants are unique plants that do not need soil to grow, absorbing water and nutrients from the air.
We ship quickly to Portugal and EU countries
Soon we will also have Cactus and Succulents.

Tillandsia Caput Medusae - Air Plant



Tillandsia Caput Medusae is a unique plant within the Tillandsia species. Its peculiar shape inspired the name, as it has a thicker base ("caput") and long, curly leaves. Its appearance is reminiscent of Medusa, the figure from Greek mythology with snakes in her hair, and is also known as Medusa's head or octopus plant.

This air plant is native to Mexico and Central America. In spring or early summer, a violet flower often blooms in the center of the plant, making it even more charming.

M: 10 x 4
XL: 21 x 7 cm
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